image/svg+xml Northern Mountains Unknown Unknown Forested Area Harbor Town The Stonefingers Forested Area City Outskirts Ba Sing Se Field Small Desert Forested Area Red Forest The Great Divide Hei Bei's Forest Si Wong Desert Chameleon Bay Omashu Southern Earth Kingdom Chin Village Mt. Makapu Mountain Pass Appa Lost Days Jet's Forest Kyoshi Island Earth Kingdom Isles Whale Tail Island Lair of the Firebending Masters Sun Warrior Ruins Western Air Temple Fire Nation Islands Yon Rha's Village Eastern Fire Nation Fire Nation Capital Southern Air Temple Southern Water Tribe Abandoned Fire Nation Ship Aang's Iceberg Whale Tail Island Eastern Air Temple Northern Water Tribe The Earth Palace Jasmine Dragon Tea Shop Battle of the Drill Breached Wall campsite Serpent's Pass Northern Air Temple The Great Divide Gaipan Village Waterfall Lagoon Hei Bei's Forest Senlin Village Haru's Village Cave of Two Lovers Fire Nation Circus Omashu Fong's Base The Swamp Chin Village Kyoshi Island Misty Palms Oasis Plains Villa City of Gao Ling Appa's Shedding Spot Quarry Campsite Wan Shi Tong's Library Sandbender Merchant Camp Mesa Tower Tu Zin Ghost Town Ruins of Taku Harbor Town Pohuai Stronghold Herbalist Institute Fire Nation Resort Mt. Makapu June's Bar The Abbey The Stonefingers The Lion Turtle's Cliff Face Western Air Temple Lair of the Firebending Masters Sun Warrior Ruins Boiling Rock Ember Island Hama's Village Roku's Island Shu Jing Village Crescent Island Waterfall Pond Ferry Waystation Fire Fountain City The Black Cliffs Yon Rha's Village Fire Nation Capital Fire Nation Harbor City The Great Gates of Azulon Fire Nation Village Chameleion Bay Lake Laogai Lu Ten's Grave Jang Hui Village Fire Nation School Hot Spring Cove
Earth Kingdom
Fire Nation
Southern Air Temple
Eastern Air Temple
Western Air Temple
Northern Water Tribe
Southern Water Tribe